PARALLEL SKIDDING TO CARVING TURNS  Intermediate lesson w Tom Gellie  Ep2 Technique Teardowns


Hey there, fellow ski enthusiasts! Today, we are going to delve into the intricate world of ski stances and finding that sweet spot that can enhance your edge grip and endurance on the slopes. Join me as we analyze skiing footage from Heavenly ski resort, Lake Tahoe, and explore the nuances of ski stances with the goal of improving your skiing technique. Let’s jump right in!

Finding the Sweet Spot in Your Ski Stance

Let’s start by understanding the importance of finding the sweet spot in your ski stance. By achieving the optimal balance, you can enhance your edge grip and endurance, allowing you to ski confidently all day long without feeling fatigued or losing control on the mountain.

Analyzing Paula’s Skiing Footage

Paula, an intermediate skier aiming to reach an upper intermediate-advanced level, is struggling with her edging ability and finding her stance to be too far back. By examining her skiing footage, we can identify key areas for improvement, such as skidding through the end of turns and body positioning that affects grip and comfort.

Understanding Ski Stance Dynamics

One crucial aspect to focus on is the distribution of pressure on your feet. Rather than solely relying on shin pressure, it’s essential to also engage the soles of your feet to maintain balance and control. By refining your sensitivity to the ball of the foot and heel, you can achieve a more stable and effective stance on the slopes.

Practical Exercises for Improving Ski Stance

To hone your ski stance and fore/aft balance, engaging in indoor exercises can be immensely beneficial. By contrasting the effects of driving pressure into the boot cuff versus distributing weight evenly on the ball of the foot and heel, you can fine-tune your stance and avoid common pitfalls like excessive forward movement or A-framing.

Comparing Skiing Techniques

By comparing skiing techniques between Paula and a seasoned skier, we can observe the subtle differences in starting turns, maintaining balance, and transitioning between edges. Emphasizing patience, foot sensitivity, and subtle adjustments in fore/aft balance can significantly enhance your skiing performance and overall experience on the mountain.


In conclusion, mastering your ski stance and finding that sweet spot is key to unlocking your full potential on the slopes. By prioritizing foot sensitivity, balance, and proper weight distribution, you can improve your edge grip, endurance, and overall skiing technique. Remember, it’s the small adjustments that can make a big difference in your skiing prowess. Happy skiing!

Related Questions:

1. How can finding the sweet spot in your ski stance improve your edge grip and endurance on the mountain?

By achieving the optimal balance in your ski stance, you can enhance your edge grip, allowing for better control and maneuverability on the slopes. This, in turn, can improve your endurance by reducing fatigue and ensuring a smoother skiing experience throughout the day.

2. What are the common challenges faced by intermediate skiers like Paula when it comes to ski stances?

Intermediate skiers often struggle with finding the right balance in their ski stances, leading to issues such as skidding through turns, discomfort, and inadequate edge grip. Identifying and addressing these challenges can help intermediate skiers progress to higher skill levels and enjoy more rewarding skiing experiences.

3. How does focusing on foot sensitivity and pressure distribution contribute to a more stable ski stance?

By paying attention to foot sensitivity and distributing pressure evenly on the ball of the foot and heel, skiers can maintain a stable and effective stance on the slopes. This approach helps in improving balance, control, and edge grip, leading to a more confident and enjoyable skiing experience.

4. What are some practical exercises that skiers can engage in to enhance their ski stance and fore/aft balance?

Skiers can benefit from indoor exercises that involve contrasting pressure distribution on the boot cuff versus the ball of the foot and heel. By practicing subtle adjustments in weight distribution and avoiding excessive forward movement, skiers can fine-tune their stance, improve balance, and prevent common skiing pitfalls.

5. How can subtle adjustments in fore/aft balance and foot sensitivity impact a skier’s overall performance on the mountain?

Subtle adjustments in fore/aft balance and foot sensitivity play a crucial role in enhancing a skier’s performance on the mountain. By focusing on maintaining balance, improving edge grip, and refining weight distribution, skiers can ski more efficiently, confidently, and with greater control, ultimately elevating their skiing technique and enjoyment.

By Cedric