Ski like an Athletic BANANA  shorts


When skiing, it’s essential to have proper weight distribution between your skis to maintain control and stability. Leaning too much on the inside ski can lead to wobbling and difficulty in making clean turns. One effective way to address this issue is by practicing airplane turns, which help in shifting your weight towards the outside ski and improving your overall skiing technique.

Key Points:

Proper Weight Distribution

If you’re struggling with pressure on the outside ski while skiing, it could be due to leaning in slightly with your shoulders. This imbalance can make it challenging to maintain control and execute clean turns. To address this, focus on shifting your weight towards the outside ski by adopting a more centered position.

Airplane Turns Drill

One effective drill to improve weight distribution and balance while skiing is practicing airplane turns. In this drill, imagine your arms as wings of an airplane. Instead of tilting inward like a traditional airplane, slope your body in the opposite direction by reaching your outside hand towards your outside foot. This movement helps in engaging your obliques and elongating your body on the inside while shortening it on the outside, promoting better weight distribution on the outside ski.

Active Engagement

During your next run, focus on actively engaging the outside of your body to maintain proper weight distribution. By pinching down with your obliques and staying over the outside ski, you can ensure that your weight is balanced and that you have better control over your movements. It should almost feel like your inside ski is floating, indicating that you are correctly distributing your weight towards the outside ski.

Related Questions:

1. How can leaning in with your shoulders affect your skiing performance?
– Leaning in with your shoulders can lead to improper weight distribution, causing instability, wobbling, and difficulty in making clean turns on your skis.

2. What is the significance of weight distribution between the skis while skiing?
– Proper weight distribution between the skis is essential for maintaining control, stability, and executing smooth turns on the slopes.

3. How do airplane turns help in improving weight distribution while skiing?
– Airplane turns help in shifting your weight towards the outside ski by engaging your obliques and elongating your body on the inside, promoting better balance and control.

4. What should you focus on during a run to ensure proper weight distribution on the outside ski?
– During a run, focus on actively engaging the outside of your body, pinching down with your obliques, and staying over the outside ski to maintain proper weight distribution.

5. How can you tell if you have successfully shifted your weight towards the outside ski?
– A successful shift of weight towards the outside ski can be felt when it seems like your inside ski is floating, indicating that the majority of your weight is on the outside ski for better balance and control.

By Cedric